Saturday 18 July 2015

The Called: Chosen (The Called Series, Book 2) by Justin Price

The Called Series continues with Chosen. The Antichrist has unleashed something terrible on earth that is gaining power by the day while believers must flee for their lives. Nations rebel against Samyaza al Assad and the World Council, causing global war to break out. More twists and turns await in the second installment of the series as the tribulation officially begins and the called of God find their place in a world that has become brutal to them.

The Guru's Review:

I was really excited to be back in this novel, with familiar characters,  its setting, past pace, suspense, and I am so glad to see that Price has continued what he started in the previous volume where I described that he,

blended the genres of the supernatural, science fiction, apocalyptic and eschatology into a multi-layered construct that works very well and adds depth to the plot and the overall enjoyment of this novel.
This provided strength to the previous novel and does the same with this one. Price has progressed everything in this novel. The plot is developed more with the evil plans of Samyaza al Assad, the world population becomes deceived by his charm and deceptive schemes, the one world political system forges deeper roots into the threads of society with more control of the masses and Christians are further persecuted with an ever increasing search to destroy their underground residences and force them to recant their faith or be executed. This adds to the pace making it a cannot put down tale just like the previous installment. Despite the pace, Price still manages to develop the characters further and their fear, despair, trust in God, faith is very evident and I found myself relating to their emotions in a tangible way. I kept thinking that I pray this is what I would do when similar plot lines become reality in this world. 

This is one thing that I enjoy about novels like this. May sound like an oxymoron but while being entertained immensely, Price paints a very sobering picture of what the future could be like and it is this that provokes the Christian reader into thinking about their faith, being ready for this, and drawing closer to God in preparation. We are encouraged in the Word to always be ready and to be prepared to take a stand for our faith. Price succeeds here. I would love to think that a reader who does not have a relationship with Jesus would also be encouraged to consider their future as well and to identify that God needs to be a part of this. 

I loved the example of Abbie, how being submitted to God, she risked everything out of obedience to Him to have her singing career instrumental in bringing multitudes to Christ and despite being reprimanded by the government for it, she still found it worth the cost. I pray that this encourages Christians to stand firm in their faith through whatever trial or adversity they are going through, whether now or in the future as depicted in this novel, that they lay down their lives and count the cost for Christ.

It is also good to see that Price has continued the work of the Spirit in bringing people to Christ by using various characters as a witness to Him. Seeing one major character from the previous installment come to Christ and another being on the verge is very encouraging as the Word tells us that there will still be conversions to Christ in the last days before Jesus comes back and during the Tribulation Period which this novel has as its setting. It is through plot lines like this that an author gets to deliver the message of the Gospel in a showing and not telling/preaching manner. Price does this well and it is very refreshing.

Price continues his inclusion of angelic visitation and I appreciate his depiction of them as Messengers that they are, as described in the Bible, that they seek no vain glory or attention to themselves; they just want to deliver God's message, encourage those they have been sent to minister to and be on their way. Another aspect of the realistic world building that Price has created. 

I can see that the next installment will have more of the supernatural and spiritual elements developed as this installment lays the foundation for this. Demons and or demonic beings are released into the world at the beginning, but do not have any involvement in this novel, other than being prepared for their role which will take place in the next installment. Sounds like that is going to be one even more action packed read. Bring it on, Justin!

I consider that Price has developed his writing skill and plot development further in this novel than the previous and this is good to see, shows he is becoming more seasoned as a writer and creator of edgy, speculative fiction.  

Despite its shorter length, 126 pages, he does pack quite a bit in and it does feel longer which is a good quality for a novel of this fast pace and subject matter. It is enough to drop you in the mix of it, allow you to be taken for a fast paced ride and then left with one riveting cliff hanger, dangling for more. The opening sequence to this next installment based on this ending, should make the reader hit the road running. I look forward to this immensely. 

Highly Recommended. 

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